Submit A Tip

phone tip line: 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
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womans purse being snatched by man on bike
  • Many Canadians, during their lifetime, will witness or become personally aware of a crime.
  • Some of us will, unfortunately, become victims of crime and, if so, it is very important to call 911 and report that crime to police right away.
  • However, if we personally see or hear of criminal activity, most of us want to do our part in reducing and reporting crime but simply do not want to get involved.
  • We don't wish to be interviewed by police and possibly be asked to appear in court as a witness.
  • This is understandable and Crime Stoppers was founded to allow citizens to report criminal activity yet remain anonymous.
  • Important information is then captured that may have otherwise gone unreported because the witness didn't want to get involved. 

woman notices crime and calls crime stoppers
  • In Canada, Crime Stoppers is a network of non-profit organizations that allow people who witness or become aware of a crime to report that crime anonymously.
  • Crime Stoppers is NOT the police and guarantees "tipsters" that information they provide is held in the strictest confidence.
  • Tipsters are NOT asked to provide their name, address, phone, email or any other information that may identify them.
  • Tips may be submitted by phone at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or submitted through a secure online portal.
  • Crime Stoppers does NOT use caller ID or any other mode of tracking that could identify the tipster.
  • The online portal also allows video from cell phones, dash cams and security cameras to be easily uploaded.

cash reward being handed to tipster
  • Aside from the satisfaction of doing your part to help solve a crime in your community, as a tipster, you may be entitled to a cash reward.
  • On submitting a tip to Crime Stoppers, the tipster will be given a unique code number that identifies their tip.
  • Using the code number, tipsters can check on the status of their tip either by phone or online.
  • The tipster may be entitled to a cash reward up to $2000 depending on the severity of the crime and the success of their tip in apprehending the criminal(s).
  • Cash rewards are made available at local banks and sometimes retail and commercial outlets.
  • Tipsters need only provide their secret code number at the pick-up location and are NOT asked to show ID or identify themselves.
  • Cash rewards are handed over to the tipster in a plain unmarked envelope - no questions asked!


Spotlight on: The RENTAL SCAM
If you’re on the hunt for a new rental accommodation, you need to be vigilant about a new type of rental scam proliferating online. Fraudsters are finding new ways to trick would-be tenants into falling for phony online ads. This scam can bilk prospective tenants out of money and time, plus cause undue stress to owners of the properties being listed fraudulently.

How much do scammers cost Canadians?
Last year was a “historic” year for losses, said the BBB, with $379 million lost to scams and fraud — a 130 per cent increase from 2020.

Experts believe this figure is a vast undercount as most victims of scams and fraud don’t report their experience to authorities. The Canadian Fraud Anti-Centre believes only five per cent of fraud cases are reported in Canada.

What’s the top 10 list for scams in Canada?
1. Cryptocurrency.
2. Advance fee loans.
3. Online purchase scams.
4. Home improvement.
5. Phishing.
6. Counterfeit products.
7. Employment.
8. Fake invoices and supplier bills.
9. Credit cards.
10. Sweepstakes and lotteries.

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Canada's Provincial & Territorial Crime Stoppers Programs
(Listed alphabetically)

  • just a spacer - no meaning
    Alberta Crime Stoppers
  • just a spacer - no meaning
    BC Crime Stoppers
  • just a spacer - no meaning
    Crime Stoppers Quebec
  • just a spacer - no meaning
    Crime Stoppers Yukon
  • just a spacer - no meaning
    Manitoba Crime Stoppers
  • just a spacer - no meaning
    New Brunswick Crime Stoppers
  • just a spacer - no meaning
    Newfoundland and Labrador Crime Stoppers
  • just a spacer - no meaning
    Northwest Territories and Nunavut Crime Stoppers
  • just a spacer - no meaning
    Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers
  • just a spacer - no meaning
    Ontario Crime Stoppers
  • just a spacer - no meaning
    P.E.I. Crime Stoppers
  • just a spacer - no meaning
    Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers
Alberta Crime Stoppers BC Crime Stoppers Crime Stoppers Quebec Crime Stoppers Yukon Manitoba Crime Stoppers New Brunswick Crime Stoppers Newfoundland and Labrador Crime Stoppers Northwest Territories and Nunavut Crime Stoppers Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers Ontario Crime Stoppers P.E.I. Crime Stoppers Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers

Our National Partners and Sponsors

Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers' Council logo
Suncor logo
Équité Association logo
Environment and Climate Change Canada logo
KYCS Theft Recovery and Tracking logo
Transport Canada logo

Thank You!

Without the past and continued support of our valued sponsors, the Canadian Crime Stoppers Association could not provide our much needed service to help reduce crime and keep Canadians safe.

To our wonderful sponsors, we say "THANK YOU, WE APPRECIATE YOU and WE COULD NOT DO IT WITHOUT YOU".

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